Strategic Communications Consulting

Communications to advance social & economic justice

I’m Hayley, a communications strategist based in Southern California.

For the past decade, I’ve dedicated my career to advancing civil rights & social justice through compelling storytelling & media engagement. I look forward to connecting!

Strategic Communications Services

  • Organizing & communications go hand in hand, and every campaign needs a strong partnership between the two. I have experience supporting campaign strategy at the hyper-local, state, and national level.

  • Good messaging makes complicated information accessible & actionable to key audiences – and it must always be done in partnership with those most directly impacted by the issue at hand.

  • I work with campaigns & organizations to expand their reach through high-impact media placements, connecting reporters to experts in the field, and maintaining strong national & local relationships.

  • Amidst an ever-evolving social media environment, I help orgs stay relevant through adaptive strategies and engaging visual & video content.

  • I’m committed to building a strong pipeline of young communications professionals. I teach classes as an adjunct professor at the USC Annenberg School for Communication & Journalism, as well as lead regular communications & media trainings for students & colleagues.

Current & Past Clients

Justice Action Center

Leadership Pasadena


Center for Immigration Law & Policy (CILP) at the UCLA School of Law

New York Fund Excluded Workers Initiative

National Korean American Service & Education Consortium (NAKASEC)